Sunday, December 25, 2011

[Technology]Hydrogen Fuel Cells Can Survive Make MacBook 1 Week

Apple plans to use hydrogen fuel cells as power supply for Apple MacBook, By using hydrogen fuel cells, Apple gadget is expected to be strong to survive up to 1 week in a single rechargeable battery.

Hydrogen fuel cells is called Fuel Cell Systems to Power Portable Computing Devices and Fuel Cell System Coupled to a Portable Computing Device, which in fact has been patented by Apple in 2010. But the new will be applied on a MacBook.

"Hydrogen fuel cells have a number of advantages. One of them allows the operation of electronic devices for days and even up to a week without recharging again, "wrote Apple in the patent.

Hydrogen Fuel Cells are believed to very efficient and environmentally friendly of course, Apple also recommends that companies such technology could create a new innovation so that it can eliminate the dependence on fuels that can not be renewed.



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