Yukari Hayasaka (Keiko Kitagawa) is a high school student who has become tired of her life of constant schooling. She then comes across a group of student fashion designers in need of a model for their "Paradise Kiss" clothing label. Yukari knows nothing about the fashion world and is taken back by the group's eccentric ways, but she soon comes to admire their free thinking ways and ability to pursue their dreams with a one track mind...
Part1 | Part2 | Part3
(Subbed Indo)
Translate : Zukirei ,Juichi
SoftSub Indo
password : juichi
8 komentar:
kirain dah da link downloadnya
blum lah...baru info dlu ini...
Ingat Single YUI kalo ngeliat nama judulnya. (^ ^)
kalau dah dapat link film nya kasih habar gan
sep...kalau udah dpt pilimna...pasti tak posting kok....
thx Juichi..ijin copas linknya ya...
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