This drama tells about the life Naoki Kamiya, a basketball player who actually has the potential to provide the best on his team but on the pitch Naoki tend to often miss a critical moment in the match. But beyond appearances, Naoki is still known in his team as someone who really has the potential to succeed.
Released: 2009 / Cast: Lee Beom-su, Jo An, Lee Yoon-hoi
Genre: Drama
Buzzer Beat EP1
Buzzer Beat EP2
Buzzer Beat EP3
Buzzer Beat EP4
Buzzer Beat EP5
Buzzer Beat EP6
Buzzer Beat EP7
Buzzer Beat EP8
Buzzer Beat EP9
Buzzer Beat EP10
Buzzer Beat EP11
2 komentar:
ya.....bnar2 bagus flm nya...pas nonton langsung kbawa suasana nya....kisah percintaan habis...:-)
aqu sendiri malah belum sempet nonton..hehhe
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