Takumi Aio (Shidou Nakamura), a 29-year-old single father, has a son aged 7 years, named Yuji (Akashi Takei). Takumi's wife, Aio Mio (Yuko Takeuchi), died a year ago because of an illness. Before he died, Mio promised that he would return to them in the middle of the rainy season a year later. Father and son are looking forward to the promise Mio, although not too sure. How could the deceased would come back?
Strangely, on the first day of the rainy season, when Takumi accompany Yuji playing in the woods, a woman who is very similar to the Mio appeared before them. The woman suffered amnesia (memory loss). He does not remember his name, did not even know Takumi and Yuji. However, Takumi believes she is Mio and bring him home.
Takumi and Yuji remembered Mio appointment first. Mio will be back in the rainy season, a year after his death. So, during the rainy season ends, Mio will return to his world again ... that is, Mio will be on their side for 6 weeks.
Although the Mio does not remember anything, he tried to carry out its role
as Mio is supposed to ... rather, as a mother of Yuji ^ ^ Mio somewhat awkwardly located near Takumi. But slowly Mio start figuring out and ask about their Takumi. How they met. How their romance began. Takumi tells everything, until Mio rediscover his love.
Slowly but surely, 6 weeks went so fast. Mio then find diarynya, realizing that he had to leave two people who loved this during the rainy season ends. Mio race against time ... Yuji teach cooking, caring for the house, replacing his role to take care of Takumi, a physically weak and had no abnormalities could be in a crowd.
When the rainy season almost over, Takumi and Yuji are dealing with the same question every time. Will the Mio to remain with them? Or it will disappear in accordance words first?
Synopsis Credit by Niqh
Released: 2004 / Cast: Yūko Takeuchi, Shido Nakamura
Genre: Drama
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