To make up for her poor performance as an assistant producer, a girl promises to have her reserved but very renowned professor appear on their television series. The show involves locating the long-lost-loved ones of the participants past. Although hesitant at first, the professor finally agrees. His story takes the assistant back 50 years-1969- where the world is in chaos. President Park Chung-Hee is a dictator and the students are furious. Suk-Young and a group of his fellow classmates travel to the country to escape the tense city and help a small village come up to date with the new technology that has been invented. It is there he meets Jung-In, a very pretty girl who is the keeper of the only library. Cheerful and happy, they first run across each other when Suk-Young hears Jung-In singing while hanging up laundry. Over the period of time that Suk-Young is at the village they get to know each other more. Although Jung-In is hesitant, she gradually opens up to Suk-Young. Their bumpy courtship, however, is threatened by dark secrets that Jung-in hides about her family and their history in the village, secrets that will haunt the pair as the volatile political climate catches up with them.